Mentoring on mobility and internationalization is aimed at the performing arts and music organizations that need to expand their circuits or markets nationally or internationally.
In the mentoring on mobility and internationalization, the way of projecting cultural projects and organizations is researched, analysed and planned. In the process we guide the exploration of all the capacities and resources of artistic organizations to:
- Diagnose mobility. Recognize the strengths and weaknesses that can slow down mobility and identify the new potential circuits
- Set mobility goals and priorities
- Define a new artistic narrative that suits the new model and new circuits
- Design a mobility and internationalization plan to bring the proposals to the selected circuits
In the mobility and internationalization mentoring, all issues directly related to expanding national and international circuits are addressed, especially those related to "4 pillars for the sustainable development of the arts".
In the mentoring we consider the following steps and methodologies:
- Analysis of the projects and their circuits. We use the SWOT+ (swot plus) tool. From the knowledge of the strengths, weaknesses, threats and opportunities of the projects, we establish their circuits, potential markets and gateways (more information on SWOT+ technique in Spanish)
- Resources available and required by the organization. Structures and tools available for management, communication, distribution, financing and generation of new projects
- Design of a new artistic multi-project. The artistic multi-project improves the singular values of the offer (more information)
- Analysis of the singular values of the organization and projects (more information)
- Definition of a new artistic narrative. A narrative for the performing arts and music organizations to present their projects in a global way, to audiences unaware of them, but potential partners, clients, collaborators or funders (more information)
- New opportunities and circuits. Selection of circuits, target markets and their gateways. Set short, medium and long term goals regarding new projects, circuits, gateways and the organization's business model
- Design of an action plan. The strategies to introduce the projects in the defined circuits will be defined. In addition, all necessary actions in the fields of communication, digital communication, distribution, new projects and new collaborations, financing, visibility of projects and support
In short, during the mentoring process we open way to rethink most of the elements involved in the management of the company or artistic organization.
The mentoring usually lasts between four and six months, involving the artistic direction and management. In this period some of the actions defined are executed and the first results are obtained.
Shorter mentoring periods can be scheduled based on specific objectives to be developed.
Get in touch with us and tell us about your projects and needs for mobility and internationalisation (contact).