Information on activities, ideas and new developments regarding artistic mobility and internationalisation.

The first IETM Plenary after Valencia will be held in April in Bucharest. The status of the artist will be a main theme of the agenda.

El estatuto del artista se sitúa en Europa en la primera línea de debate entre los profesionales de la cultura. La precarización provocada por los recortes de los presupuestos públicos en cultura y la crisis en toda Europa, han puesto de relieve las… Read more ......

The mobility and internationalisation mentoring offer knowledge based on experience and a detailed planning of the actions to be carried out.

In order to open new ways to the development of artistic projects, companies or cultural and artistic structures, the best system is to rely on the knowledge that gives experience and the planning of the actions to be carried… Read more ......

Courses, workshops and capsules for education in arts mobility and internationalisation of cultural structures.

This year new education proposals have been designed for the mobility of performing arts structures, companies and artists. They are aimed at, in a practical way, to explore the fundamentals of the management of artistic projects aiming to artistic mobility and the opening… Read more ......

The new web 2017 wants to be a sounding board to strengthen the international artistic mobility.

We just launched the new website, we invite you to visit it and give your opinion. As it is always said - in this case it is true, it is not completely finished, there are sections yet to be completed, but it already… Read more ......

Este artículo recoge las actividades que realicé en Cabo Verde y los conocimientos que obtuve a raíz del contacto con artistas, organizadores y técnicos de estructuras e instituciones culturales del país. La estancia en Cabo Verde tuvo lugar del 14 al 30 de Septiembre y fue posible gracias a la invitación de la Embajada de España en Cabo Verde y de AECID, en el marco del programa ACERCA. Ésta… Read more ......